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Abbyan MusicFest

Det allra första albumet med den passande titeln - Waa Noolasha/It is life - är själv klart just början!

 Album nummer TVÅ - AS TIME och resten är lite mer like a DANCE, där jag gör allt, all vocals and instrumentals också.


Precis som med skrifterna är även musiken flerspråkig, ett naturligt inslag pga. av av min egen uppskattning av min kulturella mångfald.

Having always had singing and music as a habit, the time felt ripe  to start working professionally with making music as well. 

The very first album with the suitable title  - Waa Noolasha/It is life  - is just the beginning.

Album number TWO- AS TIME and the rest is more like a DANCE, doing all the vocals and instrumentals as a rule.

As with the writings, the music too is multilingual, and multicultural - as a vision, and appreciation of my own cultural diversity.

Waa Noolasha - It is life

1. Waa Noolasha/It is life
2. Celebrations
3. Always, Always
4. Oh, Mapenzi/Oh Love
5. Miracle, Miracle
6. The power of one
7. Kushakucka/It has dawned
8. Sommaren/Summer
9.TikiTalking- Hakuna Matata

10. Dansa!
11. Love! Haa Hej!
12. Individual



As Time 

1. Instincts

2. Na Ndo Maana/And it is why

3. Shax!/ Nice



6. Rainy Days

7. My Tree!  

8. As time!  

9. In the dark

10. Yeah, må vi leva! /Yeah may we live!

11. Circles

12. Flags

13. Working

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